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Email forwarding options for my email address

Forward your emails from other email addresses (ex: Gmail, Yahoo and Hotmail) to your or Workspace email inboxes. Alternatively, you can forward emails from your Workspace Email email addresses to other email inboxes.

Workspace Email

What do you want to do?NotesHow to do it...
Forward your Workspace emails to a different email inbox (ex: Gmail, Yahoo or Hotmail).No emails are stored; anything sent to this email address is automatically forwarded to the other email inbox.Set up a forwarding Workspace email address.
Forward other email addresses to your Workspace email inbox.Forward emails from different email addresses (ex: Gmail, Yahoo or Hotmail) to your Workspace email inbox.Forward emails to your Workspace email inbox.
Forward individual emails as an attachment.Manually forward an email or a group of emails as an email attachment.Forward emails as attachments on:
Edit your forwarding email address.Change an existing email forwarding address.Edit your forwarding email address.

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